About us

Förderverein Waldrappteam was founded in 2002 in Grünau im Almtal, since 2020 the association’s headquarters are located in Rosegg (Carinthia). The activities of the association are regulated in the statutes (in German).

The association is run by a board of directors, which is elected by the general assembly every 2 years. Currently, the board consists of 10 members.

The board of directors

  • Chairman Emanuel Prinz von und zu Liechtenstein
    Tierpark Rosegg GmbH, managing partner
  • Manager and financial officer deputy DI Mag. Manfred Kirtz
    AGRAR PLUS, project supervisor bioenergy
  • Financial officer Bernhard Gönner, BSc
    ZooVienna, project administrator LIFE Northern Bald Ibis
  • Secretary of the board of Directors Mag. Regina Kramer, MSc
    Zoo Vienna, curator for conservation and research
  • Secretary of the board of Directors deputy Wiebke Hoffman, MSc
    Blumengärten Hirschstetten, head of the zoological garden and environmental education
  • Scientific advisory board Dr. Stephan Hering-Hagenbeck
    Zoo Vienna, director and CEO
  • Scientific advisory board  ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Kurt Kotrschal
    University of Vienna, emeritus director of the Konrad Lorenz Reserch Center Grünau im Almtal
  • Scientific advisory board  ao. Univ.-Dr. med. vet. Alexandra Scope
    University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, head of department for bird and reptile medicine
  • Board member Martin Bichler, MSc
    Department of Education in Tyrol, pedagogical department
  • Board member Dipl-Biol. Markus Unsöld
    Zoological state collection Munich, Curator of the ornithology section

Employees of Förderverein Waldrappteam

Sandra Braher, MSc

General secretary

Sandra has been an employee of Förderverein Waldrappteam since 2023. As general secretary she is responsible for the administration of the association. She is also in charge of the sponsorship programme. She studied biology (evolutionary anthropology) at the University of Vienna and also works at the Zoo Vienna.


Bird management

Since 2010, Daniela has been involved in the conservation activities for the Northern Bald Ibis and was already working as a foster mother and bird manager in the first LIFE project. Since 2022, she has been an employee of Förderverein Waldrappteam. Her work includes monitoring and caring for the birds in the breeding colonies on the southern edge of the Alps and in the wintering area, remote monitoring using GPS data, equipping Northern Bald Ibises with transmitters and implementing necessary management measures. Daniela studied behavioural biology and zoology at the University of Graz.

Corinna Esterer

Bird management

Corinna has been working in the Northern Bald Ibis project since 2013 and raised and released young birds from 2014 to 2018 as a forster mother. She has been responsible for bird management since 2019, since 2022 in her capacity as an employee of the Förderverein Waldrappteam. Her main tasks are to monitor and care for the breeding colonies on the northern edge of the Alps, to equip Northern Bald Ibises with transmitters and to carry out necessary management measures. Corinna studied environmental protection at the Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences.

Roberta Peroni

Campaign management illegal bird hunting

Roberta has been working for Förderverein Waldrappteam in Italy since 2023. As campaign manager against illegal hunting she manages relations with the Italian Police Forces, to promote knowledge of the species and to favour its reintroduction. She is also the co-founder of an association of volunteers that rescues and recovers a large number of wild animals in distress.


Campaign management illegal bird hunting

Laura has been involved in the Northern Bald Ibis project since 2020, and has been an employee of Förderverein Waldrappteam since 2022. Her main responsibility is building and coordinating international relationships, particularly with Italian NGOs and the authorities. Another focus of her work is the campaign against illegal bird hunting. She studied biology, ecology and biodiversity at the University of Innsbruck and also has an education in forest and wildlife education.


Site Management Überlingen

Anne has been involved in the Northern Bald Ibis project since 2012 and worked in project management in the first LIFE project. For six years, from 2014 to 2019, she worked as a foster mother. Since 2020, she has been managing the breeding colony in Überlingen for Förderverein Waldrappteam. Anna studied Landscape Development in Osnabrück. Today, she works full-time for the Heinz Sielmann Foundation.


Site Management Burghausen

Oliver has been working for Förderverein Waldrappteam since 2014. He is involved in the management of the breeding colony in Burghausen and coordinates the public relations work on site. Oliver studied zoology at the University of Vienna. His main occupation today is glass artist and art dealer. He runs a workshop for glass jewellery and art in the old town of Burghausen.